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When you give a little, you help a lot. At ASA we believe that it’s your collective contribution and constant encouragement that helps us enhance livelihoods and lives.  The meaning behind your donation matters so much more than the amount you give. For some it is a fertile farmland and an abundance of food on their plate, for others it is the joy of educating their children, few may enjoy better health while many others may take pride in their new role as entrepreneurs. To sum it up you, our donors, are vital cogs in our wheel of transformative change. We look forward to your continued support towards our vision of building a better future for our marginalized farmer communities. Together let’s rise by lifting others.


At ASA we undertake several projects across our identified landscapes to ensure a dignified life for small and marginal farmer communities in the economically backward areas of rural India. These interventions help bring water, increase incomes and improve livelihoods in the remotest villages. You can sponsor one or more of our ongoing programmes by choosing from the options below:





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